... Palmer1
mailto:doug@charvolant.org http://www.charvolant.org/~doug
... something.2
Which should teach me something. Halfway through writing this, I discovered Ivan Pascal's documentation.[6] Still, the more the merrier. In the meantime, I've stolen shamelessly from Ivan's documentation.
... reverse-engineering.3
Undocumented configuration files. Undocumented code. Open-source is all very nice, but this represents a pretty high barrier to entry. It's been pointed out before that a non-trivial open-source project without adequate documentation might as well be close-source.[2]
... released.4
The keyboard itself may generate up to six events for each key press. These events are pre-processed and gathered together before being passed onto XKB.
... down.5
The business of locking keys such as the Caps Lock key is handled by the compat component -- see section 4.5. It's enough for a type to know that the key is active.
... 47cm.6
Yes, the XKB protocol specification says 0.1mm. Looking at actual geometry files, though, reveals this to be rubbish, unless people really use 4.7cm wide keyboards and I'm in a strange dimensional vortex. Since the results scale in Postscript to fit a piece of paper, I suspect that it doesn't matter.